IP Patent Drafting
Design & Utility Drawings
Conceptual & Engineering Drawings
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June 2024 Announcement

Bernadette Marshall is retiring.

To all my clients, I would like to extend my gratitude for the trust and loyalty you have shown me over the years. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with you.  

I have identified Tom Dean as a great option to provide your drafting needs.  

Tom is the founder of Inspiromedia Corporation, DBA IMTechnicals, located in Butler, Tennessee and has been providing patent drawing services since 1988.

IMTechnicals is a seasoned patent drafting company that is well established and has the capacity and capabilities to provide patent drawing services at the very highest levels. 

I have worked with Tom over many years, sharing technical information and patent work. I have always found him to be honest, talented and especially knowledgeable in regard to patent rules and regulations as they concern drawings.

Tom and I are mindful of your needs and expectations. We have and are coordinating our efforts to insure a seamless onboarding with the IMTechnicals team. Our shared directive is for your continued success.

Moving forward, I understand that this news may raise questions and uncertainties. I will be available to assist you in making this transition as smooth as possible.

Need Patent Drawings? Design, Utility or Trademark drawings are our specialty.
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